Best Tylenol PM Alternative


$ 14.99

ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid provides instant relief against minor aches and promotes a restful sleep, making it the best alternative to Tylenol PM Extra Strength tablets.

Active Ingredients: Acetaminophen 500 mg (Pain reliever), Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg (Nighttime Sleep aid)

Expert Advice

The ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid is a strong over-the-counter solution against nighttime pain and sleeplessness. Whatever the reason behind your body ache, this medicine will provide a highly effective yet gentle overnight pain relief.

This medicine compares to Tylenol PM Extra Strength – a well-known brand of nonprescription analgesic (the stuff that provides pain relief) and antihistamine (the stuff that makes you fall asleep). Our product offers the same benefits, and is trusted by many households in the United States.

Not only does the ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid provide pain relief while simultaneously promoting a good night’s sleep, but it also helps combat symptoms of flu, such as a runny nose and fever.

All in all, this product provides solutions to multiple ailments. However, as with every medicine, certain precautions are warranted. Furthermore, you should only self-medicate if you’re a hundred percent sure about your existing medical history or have spoken to a doctor lately.

How Does ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid Work?

The ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid works the same way and includes the same active ingredients as Tylenol PM Extra Strength. Each extra strength caplet includes 500 mg of acetaminophen and 25 mg of diphenhydramine hydrochloride (HCl).

Acetaminophen is a common pain reliever and fever reducer used in several OTC medicine. It belongs to a class of pain relievers known as “non-opioid analgesics.” How acetaminophen works to reduce pain is still not known. Experts suggest that it might work by dampening the production of “prostaglandins” – chemicals that are responsible for swelling and inflammation.

Furthermore, acetaminophen may also work by temporarily reducing the pain threshold. A person with a high pain threshold will require a greater amount of pain in order to actually feel it.

Acetaminophen doubles up as a fever reducer as well. It works by targeting the part of the brain that regulates body heat. In layman’s terms, it tells the brain to reduce the body temperature back to a normal level.

Diphenhydramine hydrochloride, on the other hand, is an antihistamine and is part of the medicine that will gently nudge you towards deep slumber. Antihistamines are primarily used to treat allergies and alleviate symptoms of flu. A side-benefit is that they also help induce drowsiness, which is why they’re also used to treat insomnia.

They work by blocking histamines, which are chemical compounds that regulate the body’s wakefulness. These compounds are also released in response to an injury or an allergy. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride can therefore also provide relief from flu-like symptoms.

Both diphenhydramine hydrochloride and acetaminophen – combined in the perfect dosage in our Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid – deliver fast results.

The Side Effects of ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid

The ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid is a non-prescription/OTC drug. However, like every other medicine, there are some possible side effects of this product.

Learning about these adverse effects may help you seek medical attention on time should you suffer from any of them.

The side effects include:

  • Liver Damage – any medicine that includes acetaminophen has the potential to cause severe liver damage if you exceed the recommended daily dosage of 4000 mg. Furthermore, limit your use of alcohol the day you decide to take this medicine.
  • Allergies – in addition to liver damage, acetaminophen may also cause skin allergies. Classic symptoms of an allergy include a rash, blisters, and redness. In extreme cases, you may experience from severe skin reactions.
  • Gastrointestinal Problems – you may also experience constipation and/or an upset stomach.

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, seek medical help immediately. However, any sort of allergic reaction or damage is rare if you stick the recommended dosage, which is 2 caplets for adults and children over the age of 12.

Is ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid Safe?

The ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid, just like Tylenol PM, is generally considered a safe medicine. Like every other medicine, the product comes with clear directions, which recommend that you only take 2 caplets per day.

Both acetaminophen and diphenhydramine hydrochloride are FDA-approved drugs. Sticking with the recommended dose is highly recommended, as it may avert a potential medical emergency (and deliver the desirable results).

Furthermore, the medicine can only be given to children who are over 12 years of age. The dosage of the ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid is a tad bit too high for younger kids.

While this is an OTC medicine, you should consult your doctor before using it if you:

  • Had or currently have a liver disease
  • Struggle with breathing problems
  • Have a glaucoma
  • Have an enlarged prostate gland

Your doctor will be able to give you the best advice based on your specific medical history.

How to Get Rid of Pain Fast and Sleep Better at Night?

The ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid will provide effective pain relief in no time. Generally, you won’t need any additional exercises or home remedies to get rid of the pain (in fact, it’s highly recommended not to take anything else with this medicine).

However, here are some things you can practice to reduce the on-set of pain:

  • Take Deep Breaths – when in pain, we’re susceptible to taking short and shallow breaths. This can worsen your pain. Instead, try to take deep and slow breaths to calm yourself.
  • Engage in Very Light Exercise – a short walk, relaxing swim, or even gardening can help block some of the pain signals. However, make sure not to overdo it or put any strain on the part(s) that hurt.
  • Ice it Up – you can also place an ice bag on an injury (such as a sprain) to reduce the pain. In addition, if possible, you should also elevate the part of your body that’s injured.
  • Get a Massage – a gentle massage at home can help ease some of the built-up tension and further alleviate the pain.

The great thing about all the tips mentioned above is that they can also help you sleep better at night.

Dr. Vandana Patel,

Internal and pulmonary medicine expert with 30 years of experience with critical care medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

The recommended dose for the ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid is 2 caplets per day. You must not exceed this amount in a 24-hour period. The packaging also comes with an overdose warning that should be heeded at all costs. Besides, 2 caplets are more than enough to help you fall asleep and get rid of any minor body aches. Depending on the severity of your pain and its underlying cause(s), you may or may not need to take more than a single dose of the ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid.
The ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid contains a strong dose of acetaminophen, which may cause severe liver damage if taken in large quantities or for a prolonged period of time. For that reason, it’s not recommended to take the ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid for more than 10 days in a row. In any case, taking this medicine every night isn’t recommended. Furthermore, this medicine isn’t intended as a long-term cure for insomnia. If you suffer from body pain and have trouble falling asleep every night, speak with your doctor as they be signs of a serious condition.
Every individual has a unique biochemistry. It is this biochemistry that decides how a medicine would react with the body. This also includes how fast the medicine would work. Hence, the answer to that question is – it depends. However, generally speaking, the ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid should start working in 35-40 minutes (just how long it takes Tylenol PM to work) on an empty stomach. It may take twice as long for it to work if taken with a full stomach. Again, it may take longer or shorter than that for you to feel the effects of this medicine, depending on your body.
You should not use ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid if you’re currently taking a medicine that includes acetaminophen and/or diphenhydramine hydrochloride (even if used topically). If you’re unsure about the ingredients of any medicine you’re taking right now, speak to your doctor about it. Furthermore, children under the age of 12 and any individual who has had an allergic reaction to this medicine (or any alternative, like Tylenol PM) in the past, must not use this medicine. Finally, if you have liver disease, glaucoma, breathing problems, or high blood pressure, speak with your doctor before using this medicine.
Since ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid includes an antihistamine – the stuff that makes you drowsy – the best time to take this medicine is right before bed. You should not take this medicine in the middle of the day to relieve pain. You must especially not take this medicine before a long drive (in fact, you shouldn’t drive at all if you’ve taken this medicine). Similarly, do not use this medicine before engaging in any important, potentially life-changing task, such as giving a job interview, attending a meeting, etc. If you need strong relief against pain during the day, look for an alternative that doesn’t include any antihistamine like diphenhydramine hydrochloride.
ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid is generally considered safe for pregnant women. However, that’s as long as the user doesn’t exceed the recommended daily dosage, which can have adverse side effects regardless of whether they’re pregnant or not. Furthermore, low levels of the medicine are excreted into the human breast milk, which poses very low risk of any side effects for the infants. In any case, we highly recommend consulting a health professional first for medical advice before use. This applies to not just ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid, but to every over-the-counter medicine.
ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid packs a heavy dose of both acetaminophen and diphenhydramine hydrochloride. For that reason, it’s extremely important that you stick with the recommended dosage. Some classic symptoms of overdose include vomiting, confusion, stomach pain, yellowing of skin (due to liver damage), hallucinations, and seizures. If you think you have overdosed on this product, contact Poison Control Center and seek quick medical attention immediately.
ValuMeds Pain Reliever & Nighttime Sleep Aid is non-habit forming, as long as the patient uses it as directed. Similar to Tylenol PM Extra Strength caplets, there is very little risk of physical addition to this medicine. However, since the medicine includes diphenhydramine hydrochloride – an antihistamine – there is risk of psychological dependence. If a person is psychologically dependent on a substance, their emotions drive them to consume said substance in unhealthy amounts and/or when not needed. If you think you are developing an addiction for any medicine, talk to your doctor and seek therapy to avoid life-threatening situations.