Best Robitussin Alternative


$ 11.99

Relieve varying degrees of cough, throat irritation, bronchial discomfort, and various other symptoms of the common cold with this unique and highly effective blend of tried and tested ingredients.

Active Ingredients: Dextromethorphan HBR 15mg (Cough Suppressant)

Expert Advice

Cough Relief is a powerful chest congestion remover and cough suppressant available as an over-the-counter medication to combat a variety of symptoms stemming from the common cold. An FDA-approved antitussive medication, it is in the same group of drugs as Delsym and Vicks.

Cough Relief effectively treats major and minor cough fits with an active suppression matrix that works for several hours after initial usage. While the medication is best used to suppress coughs stemming from cold symptoms, it can be used to treat any sort of chest congestion and most minor throat infections that cause irritation.

Since Cough Relief is an over-the-counter Robitussin DM alternative, dosing doesn’t require a prescription from a certified medical professional for purchase. The best way to take Cough Relief is with water, every 4-6 hours, in the presence of symptoms. If unsure of the exact dosage or interval, consult a medical professional.

It’s advised to always consult with a health care professional before administering a dose to children, or taking additional doses past what’s recommended.

How does the Dextromethorphan in ValuMeds Cough Relief (Robitussin Alternative) Work?

The Dextromethorphan in Cough Relief affects the portion of your brain that’s responsible for producing the cough reflex. It hampers the nerve signals between the brain and the throat, which results in a stop to coughing for the effective duration.

Due to the aforementioned effect, Dextromethorphan can both stop and prevent ongoing cough fits, as well as heaving due to congestion.

ValuMeds Cough Relief DM is one of the most successful alcohol-free, multi-symptom Robitussin cough syrup alternatives available in the market, with an ideal mix of maximum strength expectorant ingredients that work to prevent severe cough and clear fluid buildup.

Typical Uses of Dextromethorphan in ValuMeds Cough Relief (Robitussin Alternative)

Dextromethorphan is typically used as a cough remedy. However, it’s better to understand some of the primary uses of the drug, which include:

Cough Suppression: As mentioned, the main use of the Dextromethorphan compound is to relieve the symptoms of cough from both cold and flu. It’s usually administered in cases of dry cough, where there is an absence of phlegm and fluid buildup. The medicine is used as a temporary relief measure, or as an accompaniment to antihistamines and pain relievers such as acetaminophen.

Sore Throat: While cough suppression is always the primary use of Dextromethorphan, it can also be used to provide comfort against irritation of the throat due to mild-to-minor infections of the air passages and prolonged inflammation.

Congestion: The antitussive properties of the accompanying ingredient blend makes this an effective medication for clearing light congestion in the bronchial passageway and aiding in relieving cough via mucoactive action.

Typical Side Effects of Dextromethorphan in ValuMeds Cough Relief (Robitussin Alternative)

Since it is a nerve signal blocker, Dextromethorphan does not have the typical side effects of the active ingredients inside most cough medicines. However, there are still some common side effects that result from improper usage of the drug. These side effects can be experienced by any and all users, irrespective of age or medical condition. Here are the common side effects of Dextromethorphan:

  • Blurred or Dimmed Vision: Due to nerve signal blockage.
  • Confusion: Usually not severe in most cases.
  • Difficulty in Urination: Occurs in most cases, usually as a result of a higher-than-recommended dose.
  • Slowed Breathing: One of the more common side effects, usually harmless.
  • Drowsiness: While Cough Relief is essentially a non-drowsy drug, some drowsiness may occur in conjunction with (or follow) one or more side effects.
  • Nausea and/or Vomiting: A more severe side effect, commonly due to an overdose.
  • Irritability, Restlessness, or Excitement: May occur during the earliest uses of the drug, can pass away rapidly as the body adjusts to it.
  • Unsteady Walk or Shakiness: Usually accompanied by confusion and/or blurred vision, another common side effect.

A majority of the side effects may be experienced during the first time you use the drug. These may go away as your body adjusts to the chemical properties of the drug, without the need to see a medical professional. In addition to that, your doctor may be able to suggest ways to further alleviate any persistent side effects in case there are any.

Additional Side Effects

The aforementioned are the most common side effects that you can experience while taking Dextromethorphan as part of ValuMeds Cough Relief. However, aside from those, there are also some less common side effects that do occur nevertheless. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Constipation: A rare side effect but can occur, especially alongside a difficulty in urination.
  • Dizziness: A rarer symptom, occurs in fewer patients but does happen in conjunction with nausea and vomiting.
  • Headache: Usually a result of an overdose, but can also occur naturally at the recommended dose.
  • Stomach Pain: Usually occurs as a rarer side effect but can cause varying degrees of discomfort in sensitive patients.

It’s important to note that some side effects may occur as a result of pre-existing conditions or the body’s naturally negative response to the drug. In such instances, it’s always better to consult with a medical professional before administering the drug to yourself or someone else, especially children.

Read Before Using ValuMeds Cough Relief (Robitussin Alternative)

ValuMeds Cough Relief is generally safe to use for most people (barring any allergies or pre-existing conditions). However, there are some general warnings and precautions that you should consider, before using the medication. These include:

  • The drug is NOT SAFE for children under 4 years old, and generally not suitable for children under 6 years old.
  • Be careful when giving to a patient who is either sedated or limited to a physically supine position for extended periods.
  • The active ingredient (Dextromethorphan) may cause varying degrees of hallucinations, confusion, overactive reflexes, agitation, rapid heart rate, or twitching muscles – sometimes simultaneously.
  • DO NOT use if you have an existing (known) allergy to Dextromethorphan or any of the other ingredients in ValuMeds Cough Relief.
  • Do not take simultaneously alongside non-selective Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI), to avoid Serotonin Syndrome.
  • If you regularly consume dietary supplements or are under medication for an existing condition, consult with your doctor before taking this drug.
  • In case of accidental or intentional overdose, please contact a medical professional or your local Poison Control Center immediately.

In addition to the above, keep the medicine out of the reach of children at all times.

Dr. Vandana Patel,

Internal and pulmonary medicine expert with 30 years of experience with critical care medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

When using ValuMeds Cough Relief, it’s advised to take dosages that correspond to your immediate needs i.e. as per the severity of the symptoms. Even so, It’s recommended to not have a single dose exceed two (2) softgel capsules at one time and to avoid consumption of any more than eight (8) softgel capsules in a 24-hour period. With this in mind, you can take anywhere from one to two capsules, depending on whether you have a minor cough or throat irritation, to a more violent coughing fit with severe chest heaving.
Since Cough Relief is an over-the-counter medication, there is no need for a doctor’s prescription while buying the drug, and therefore no need to see the doctor beforehand either. You can simply visit your local pharmacy or drugstore (CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, etc.) and purchase this drug. However, it is advised that you consult with a doctor if you experience symptoms beyond what the medication is recommended for (i.e. dry cough with minor throat irritation/infection).
You should NOT take ValuMeds Cough Relief if you suffer from a cough that produces an excessive amount of phlegm, or if you suffer from bronchitis or chronic cough such as what’s caused by smoking or emphysema. In both cases, you should consult with a doctor before consuming the medication. Additionally, you should NOT consume ValuMeds Cough Relief if you are already taking prescription drugs that contain Prescription Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI), which is a drug used to treat psychological illnesses.
ValuMeds Cough Relief is an alternate to Robitussin, and so contains the same active ingredient as the latter (Dextromethorphan), as well as the same cough and chest congestion DM max properties. Furthermore, ValuMeds has a blend of expectorant ingredients that provide congestion relief similar to the guaifenesin in Robitussin. As a general rule, you should only consume ValuMeds Cough Relief as an alternate to the version of Robitussin that provides cough and chest congestion relief, since those are the symptoms that ValuMeds Cough Relief addresses.
You should not consume ValuMeds Cough Relief with alcohol. This drug contains a strong dosage of Dextromethorphan, which is an ingredient known to produce a mildly depressant effect. Alcohol itself is known to hamper response times, make vision blurry, cause a person to become generally sluggish, and cause an overall reduction in productivity. In case you do consume alcohol while taking this medication, you run the risk of compounding the negative effects of the alcohol, and even causing neurological damage. It’s preferable to consume this drug with a glass of water (no need to measure fl oz either).
This drug has shown to be safe for children older than six (6) years of age. You do not need a prescription to administer this drug to a child of the prescribed age, however, it’s considerably better to consult your pediatrician, child health specialist, or pharmacist on the proper dosage of the drug, beforehand. In case the symptoms persist despite the dosage, consult a doctor immediately. As a general rule, you should avoid giving this drug, regardless of how minor a dose, to any child younger than 6 years of age. This is due to the medicine not proving effective or otherwise safe for children under that age.
ValuMeds Cough Relief is designed to be a quick remedy to a persistent cough. However, if your symptoms do not disappear within a seven (7) day period from first taking this medication, you need to see a doctor immediately. Similarly, if your symptoms fade and then reappear, in a recurring pattern, consult with a doctor at the earliest. In case you notice any new symptoms such as a rash, fever, or frequent headaches, this may be a sign of a more significant condition (chronic bronchitis). Lastly, if you develop any sudden symptoms such as hives or extreme irritation in the already affected area, it may be a sign of an allergic reaction, in which case you need to immediately stop taking the drug and see a doctor.
ValuMeds Cough Relief usually presents no risk to breastfeeding mothers or pregnant women. However, just to be safe, if you are currently breastfeeding or hope to commence nursing soon, consult with a medical professional before taking a dose of Cough Relief, or starting a course of the medication. In case the doctor finds it unsuitable for you to take the drug at that particular time, you may have to wait until after you are done breastfeeding to start taking the medication again. If the doctor approves the usage of this medication while breastfeeding, please adhere to the maximum allowed dosage for the drug, as given on the back of the bottle.