Best Gas X Alternative


$ 11.99

ValuMeds Gas Relief provides effective relief against bloating, saving you from discomfort and embarrassing situations.

Active Ingredients: Simethicone 125 mg (Anti-gas)

Expert Advice

ValuMeds Gas Relief is the number one FDA-approved alternative to GSK’s Gas-X Extra Strength – the go-to OTC anti-gas medicine for millions of people around the globe. Our Gas Relief medicine is just as effective against the symptoms associated with gas buildup, including bloating, pressure, discomfort, and feeling of fullness in the belly.

Each bottle contains 120 extra strength softgels, and each softgel includes 125 mg of simethicone which is an anti-gas drug usually recommended by physicians. What makes our extra strength gas relief medicine so effective is the fact that it has very little side-effects. Furthermore, it tackles a range of symptoms, from trapped gas to even heartburn.

The directions for use for ValuMeds Gas Relief are the same as Gas X. Take 1 or 2 softgels, as needed, with water. For best results, you should take this medicine after meals or right before you go to bed.

This medicine does not come as chewable tablets and does not include calcium. It uses peppermint oil, sorbitol sorbitan, glycerin, gelatin, titanium dioxide, and purified water as the inactive ingredients. If you have any history of allergic reactions to any ingredient, consult your doctor before taking this medicine.

How Does ValuMeds Gas Relief Work?

The 125 mg of simethicone (equivalent to the maximum strength dosage of Gas X) acts as the main ingredient in ValuMeds Gas Relief. Simethicone is an anti-foaming agent that works on gas bubbles in the stomach and intestines, providing fast relief against bloating, belly pain/discomfort, and belching associated with excessive gas buildup.

In medical terms, simethicone works by lowering the surface tension of small bubbles of gas in your body, which are difficult to pass and can therefore cause discomfort. This, in turn, combines them into larger bubbles, allowing you to easily pass the gas.

However, keep in mind that simethicone only works against existing gas in the digestive tract, which could be caused by anything. It does not prevent gas from building up. You can use it to get instant gas relief, but if there’s an underlying gastrointestinal cause that persists, you may require additional medicine(s).

Side Effects to Look Out for

The biggest concern when taking any OTC medicine – especially when self-medicating – is side effects. When getting a prescription drug, you can always talk to your physician about the potential side effects. Plus, since they’re already aware of your medical history, you can take comfort in knowing that they’d be prescribing you with a suitable drug.

However, that’s not always the case with OTC medicines.

That being said, there are NO major side effects of ValuMeds Gas Relief, just like Gas X. Simethicone, the main ingredient of this medicine, is one of the safest drugs you can take for the relief of gas. Time and again, studies have proven that the likelihood of a severe allergic reaction is extremely low.

Furthermore, this drug is pharmacologically inert and isn’t absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal walls. It works its magic locally in the digestive tract.

There are only a handful of possible side effects of simethicone, all of which are extremely rare. These include:

  • Hypersensitivity – only about 0.01% to 0.1% of patients report face edema (swelling of the face).
  • Gastrointestinal Side Effects – about 0.1% to 1% of patients report nausea and constipation. Additionally, 0.01% to 0.1% report tongue edema.
  • Dermatologic Side Effect – only between 0.01% to 0.1% of patients report pruritus and rash.
  • Respiratory Problems – a very rare percentage of patients (0.01% to 0.1%) complain about breathing problems.

While the probability of you suffering from the aforementioned side effects is low, you should still consult a healthcare professional – especially if you have an underlying medical condition that might cause problems.

What are Some Common Causes of Gas?

Flatulence can stem from a number of causes, ranging from something completely normal (like your diet) to a major underlying problem. Whatever the case, it can cause extreme discomfort and result in some embarrassing situations.

Here are some common causes of excessive gas:

  • The Way You Eat – let’s start with the basics. When chewing and swallowing food, we also ingest some air with it. Some of it is expelled through burping, whereas the rest goes further below the digestive tract, resulting in gas. Chew slowly and avoid talking when eating.
  • Your Diet – a high-fiber diet (beans, fruits, vegetables, etc.), although healthy for your digestive tract, may cause gas, which is why it’s important to mix things up. Furthermore, carbonated beverages (soda and beer) contribute to flatulence.
  • Day-to-Day Medical Problems – an increase in bacterial growth in the digestive tract can result in infections, which in turn can contribute to gas buildup. In addition, food intolerances and constipation may also cause bloating.
  • Chronic Diseases – some common chronic illnesses that can cause flatulence include ulcerative colitis, Chron’s disease, and diverticulitis, among others.

Whatever the cause, ValuMeds Gas Relief can alleviate symptoms of flatulence.

How long that relief lasts depends on your condition. If the cause was just an imbalance of diet, you may only need to take a softgel or two once. However, if the cause is more severe, you may have to continue taking the medicine as per the doctor’s recommendation.

When Does Bloating Become a Cause for Concern?

Having and passing gas are completely normal functions of the human body. In fact, some level of gas is a sign of a healthy digestive system.

In a healthy body, gas is produced by gut bacteria that break down food and some of the air you swallow when eating. An average healthy person, on a balanced diet, passes gas from 5 to 15 times a day.

That being said, if you feel that you’ve been having gas problems lately, it could simply be due to your diet. Reduce intake of fiber-rich foods, limit (or completely avoid) fizzy drinks, and quit smoking while you’re at it.

If the problem persists, consult a physician for medical advice.

Gas is a cause for concern when it’s accompanied by:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Constipation
  • Bloody stools
  • Weight loss
  • Fever

If you’ve been suffering from any of the symptoms listed above, get in touch with a doctor immediately as it may be a result of a serious illness.

What Can I Do to Avoid Gas from Forming Up?

While ValuMeds Gas Relief will provide instant relief from flatulence, you also want to avoid gas from forming up again.

Making some small changes to your lifestyle can keep that gas at healthy levels. These include:

  • Eating slowly
  • Having a well-balanced diet
  • Walking daily
  • Doing yoga
  • Avoiding the use of straws (as they draw up additional air)
  • Quitting smoking

Talk to your physician about more options suitable for you.

Dr. Vandana Patel,

Internal and pulmonary medicine expert with 30 years of experience with critical care medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

You should take ValuMeds Gas Relief if you feel persistent discomfort stemming from flatulence. As on over-the-counter medicine, just like Gas X, it’s very safe and does not require you to get a prescription (unless you have a history of serious gastrointestinal diseases or are pregnant, in which case you should consult your physician). It is highly recommended that you take 1 or 2 softgels after meals, right before bedtime, or as directed by your physician for the best results. Furthermore, remember to store the medicine at room temperature and keep out of the reach of children.
Yes, it is safe to consume ValuMeds Gas Relief every day. However, keep in mind that the medicine isn’t a permanent solution for flatulence. If you have an underlying medical condition for the excessive gas, it will keep on forming until the condition is dealt with. Whatever the case, you shouldn’t take more than 2 softgels in a 24-hour time period, unless your physician recommends otherwise. You can experience relief in a matter of minutes after taking a dose, depending on your unique biochemistry. To make it more effective, avoid eating fiber-rich foods and consuming carbonated drinks for the rest of the day.
ValuMeds Gas Relief is a completely safe medicine, however, in certain situations, it should be avoided or only taken under the advice of a licensed healthcare professional. If you’re pregnant, you should consult your physician instead of self-medicating. Similarly, if you’re nursing, don’t take this medicine without the recommendation of a healthcare professional, as it may affect your breast milk. Furthermore, this medicine includes glycerin (a sugar alcohol), which may be problematic if you’re diabetic.
Yes. ValuMeds Gas Relief, like Gas X, works by combining smaller gas bubbles into larger ones, which are then passed with ease. This makes it an effective solution against trapped gas that has already formed in the digestive tract, helping the patient expel it naturally and reducing the discomfort associated with it. It’s different from some of the other OTC anti-gas medicines, such as Beano, which uses a natural enzyme that helps digest carbohydrates, preventing gas from forming in the first place.
An overdose of simethicone can result in gastrointestinal side effects, including constipation and nausea. It can also cause nausea and headaches. In extreme cases, an overdose may result in the patient passing out or suffering from breathing problems, in which case, you need to call 911 immediately and seek professional help. You may also call a local poison control center to get assistance. In the case of every medicine, prevention is always better than cure, therefore do not exceed the daily recommended dosage.
If you’ve been prescribed to take this medicine, you don’t have to worry about any existing medication since your healthcare provider already took that into account. However, if you’re self-medicating, and are already on some form of prescriptive drugs, it’s highly recommended that you consult a physician first. For instance, if you’re currently on an antacid that contains simethicone, you may be required to lower your dosage or seek another alternative. Furthermore, simethicone has been known to decrease the absorption of thyroid medicine. That barely scratches the surface. For a more detailed assessment, talk to your doctor.
No, this particular medicine cannot be used to treat acid reflux. This medicine will only help alleviate the symptoms of excessive gas buildup. There are certain medications that combine antacids with simethicone, which combat both symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and flatulence. ValuMeds Gas Relief does not include any antacid as an active ingredient. If your flatulence is accompanied with heartburn, regurgitation, and trouble swallowing, consult your doctor as you may have GERD. Depending on your condition, they’ll prescribe you with a suitable medication.
Yes, 125 mg of simethicone per day is safe for children older than two years of age. However, the daily intake shouldn’t exceed 500 mg. Furthermore, since our medication comes in softgels, they’re much less likely to cause irritation in the gastrointestinal tract, as opposed to tablets. That being said, the medicine should be kept out of the reach of children and self-medication should be discouraged. It is highly recommended that children consume this medicine under the supervision of an adult.