Best Diphenhydramine 25mg Pills for Sleep


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ValuMeds Nighttime Sleep-Aid – Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg is the ideal nighttime sleep aid to help you fall asleep whether you have insomnia or are fighting the cold or flu symptoms.

Active Ingredients: Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg (nighttime sleep-aid)

Expert Advice

As part of the first generation of antihistamines, the ValuMeds Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg Nighttime Sleep-Aid has some sedative properties. As a result, it has a higher tendency of crossing the blood-brain barrier and cause sleepiness. In contrast, second-generation antihistamines like Cetirizine (Zyrtec), Fexofenadine (Allegra), Loratadine (Claritin), and Acetaminophen have little to no sedative properties.

As an antihistamine (like Benadryl), the sleep aid also doubles a quick allergy relief solution to various allergy, cold, and flu symptoms. Various symptoms like itchiness, runny nose, motion sickness, and more can be managed and reduced. Furthermore, diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg is an over-the-counter (OTC) drug; therefore, you don’t need a prescription from a licensed medical professional to buy it.

While diphenhydramine can generally be taken through various methods like an injection, gel, spray, or chewable tablets, diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg sleep aid is best taken in the form of tablets. Furthermore, diphenhydramine has various uses and can help manage several kinds of symptoms; even things like tremors in parkinsonism can be managed. However, the sleep aid tablet should only be used for a more relaxed sleep time and as a tool to manage insomnia.

The drug is best taken orally with a glass of water; however, you can also take it with food. In any case, the drug can take around one hour to take effect, so it’s best to take it one hour before going to sleep. Its effects can last up to seven hours, so you can easily get your eight hours of sleep using the drug.

Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg sleep aid can be taken by adults, children, and the elderly. It’s mostly safe to use by most people due to the 25 mg tablet size.

How Does Diphenhydramine Sleep Aid Work?

Approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), diphenhydramine is a sleep aid and allergy relief medication that has several medical properties.

The active ingredient in the sleep aid, diphenhydramine, is an H-1 blocker that stops histamine production by activating the H1 receptors. Histamine production is what leads to allergic symptoms in the body; therefore, stopping the production of histamine helps reduce and eliminate most allergy symptoms.

However, since diphenhydramine is a first-generation antihistamine, it’s more susceptible to passing the blood-brain barrier. When the drug enters the bloodstream, and into the brain, it activates the part of the brain responsible for telling you when it’s time to sleep. That’s why the drug induces sleepiness and drowsiness in people. Therefore, making diphenhydramine a great sleep aid.

On average, it can take around one hour for the drug to take its effect on most people. While that timing can vary, the effects tend to last up to seven hours for almost everyone.

The sleep aid can provide some relief from the symptoms of the common cold or flu and some allergies. However, it won’t cure your cold, prevent allergic symptoms, or have the full effect of the drug in that regard. That’s because the sleep aid is designed specifically to take advantage of the sleep properties of the drug.

Typically, diphenhydramine is known with the brand name of Benadryl, Unisom, Diphenhist, ZzzQuil, or Sominex. However, it’s hard to find dedicated sleep aids like the ValuMeds Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg sleep aid.

Uses of Diphenhydramine Sleep Aid

Generally, diphenhydramine can have a lot of uses, depending on your situation. However, it’s best to understand the full effects and uses of the drug. The following are the primary uses of diphenhydramine.

  • Sleep Aid – As diphenhydramine has sedative properties, it’s a great sleep aid. It works extremely well to the point that even people with insomnia can get sleep relief using the drug. In any case, it offers a quick sleep solution while also helping manage cold and flu symptoms. The drug has also proven to be a great pain reliever.
  • Seasonal Allergies – As an antihistamine, diphenhydramine can also help against seasonal allergic rhinitis, otherwise known as hay fever; it’s caused by the spores from grasses, trees, and weeds, among other things. The drug offers relief against the various allergy symptoms that can come up due to the allergens. Some of the common allergic reactions and symptoms it can help against includes watery eyes, a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, itchiness, and redness of the eyes.
  • Allergic Urticaria – Otherwise known as hives, allergic urticaria leads to red and itchy welts that come out as a result of an allergic skin reaction. The size and visibility of the hives depend on the level of the allergic reaction. In any case, diphenhydramine is proven to reduce the frequency and intensity of chronic urticaria/hives in adults and young children.
  • Nausea – In some cases, due to its antiemetic properties, diphenhydramine has also proven to help against nausea caused by vertigo and motion sickness.
  • Movement Disorders – The drug can also provide some help with Parkinson’s disease-related extrapyramidal symptoms. It can also be used to mildly treat acute dystonia.

The dosage for ValuMeds Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg sleep aid shouldn’t be exceeded more than one tablet in most cases.

Side Effects of Diphenhydramine Sleep Aid

ValuMeds Sleep Aid assists in getting you to sleep fast and easily, but that doesn’t mean it can’t have adverse effects in some cases. Since the active ingredient, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, is an antihistamine, it can have varying side effects on people depending on their age, medical condition, and typical response to such medication. In any case, the most common side effects of diphenhydramine sleep aid include the following.

  • Drowsiness – is the most common side effect of diphenhydramine sleep aid due to the sedative properties. Many people notice being drowsy right before falling to sleep.
  • Loss of Coordination – can happen with some people with an iron deficiency.
  • Dizziness – is often followed by loss of coordination and can happen in different capacities.
  • Dry Mouth – is usually the result of inadequate water supply in the body; some people may even get a dry throat or dry nose.
  • Constipation – is usually the result of irregular eating.
  • Blurred Vision – is not a serious side effect, but it’s best to get it checked.
  • Upset Stomach – is tied to constipation and usually happens when one of the ingredients in the tablet reacts to the food you’ve consumed.

In some cases, inactive ingredients like polyethylene glycol can also react with people. In rare cases, you may get some serious side effects.

Additional Side Effects

First-generation antihistamines tend to have more side effects on average due to their sedative properties. Most side effects are harmless; however, there have been some rare cases where people have become victim to serious side effects. The serious side effects are usually the result of a week immune system, bad diet, medical issues (like kidney disease), or bad drug interactions. In any case, some of the most serious and rare side effects of diphenhydramine include the following.

  • Pounding Heartbeat – can lead to excessive or irregular heartbeats or fluttering in your chest.
  • Confusion – may occur if you’re facing extreme dizziness and drowsiness.
  • Lightheadedness – is usually followed by extreme confusion.
  • Urination Problems – can occur in some cases where there is little or no urination. For some people, there has been difficulty or pain while urinating.
  • Tightness in the Jaw or Neck – can often happen due to muscle-related problems.
  • Uncontrollable Tongue Movements – can happen as a result of extreme extrapyramidal symptoms.

Taking too many sleep aid tablets can lead to short-term memory loss, pupil dilation, ataxia, or even abnormal sensitivity to bright lights. Therefore, it’s best to control the dosing and get medical advice from a health professional before use.

Precautions for Using Diphenhydramine Sleep Aid

Like all drugs, it’s crucial to take precautions before using OTC drugs like a diphenhydramine sleep aid. The following are some of the precautions and warnings for diphenhydramine sleep aid.

  • A small part of the population is highly sensitive to diphenhydramine hydrochloride and may be allergic to it. Therefore, it’s best to contact your healthcare professional to ensure you’re not allergic to diphenhydramine or any other ingredients in the sleep aid.
  • In the case of an overdose, immediately seek help or contact your local Poison Control Center.
  • While consulting with your doctor, make sure they understand your medical history, including things like breathing problems (asthma, upper respiratory allergies, or sinus issues), kidney disease, high blood pressure, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart problems, glaucoma, liver disease, or any other serious medical conditions.
  • It’s best to avoid taking any other sedatives, antihistamines, pain relievers, or tranquilizers while taking a diphenhydramine sleep aid.
  • It’s crucial to keep the drug at room temperature and out of the reach of children.
  • Avoid consuming any alcohol to minimize any side effects.
  • Be wary of drug interactions from other prescription drugs.
  • If you’re pregnant, consult your healthcare professional on the usage.
  • Considering that diphenhydramine is excreted in breast milk, it’s best to avoid taking the sleep aid while breastfeeding infants.

Ideally, you should consider reading up on the disclaimers of any prescription or OTC drug before use.

Dr. Vandana Patel,

Internal and pulmonary medicine expert with 30 years of experience with critical care medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

Since diphenhydramine is a first-generation antihistamine, it gets absorbed in the bloodstream quickly. As a result, it takes effect faster but also doesn’t carry its effects for long. One 25 mg tablet can take effect in under one hour and can help you sleep for at least seven hours with no issues or symptoms. However, you shouldn’t take the sleep aid tablets to combat allergy symptoms. Therefore, it’s best to avoid taking more than two tablets per day. Taking more than that can lead to excessive side effects, longer sleeping times, and fatigue.
It’s perfectly safe to take ValuMeds Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg Sleep Aid every night before sleeping. You can also take it during the day, but keep in mind that its effects last up to seven hours, so it may not be ideal for taking it for a two-hour nap. In any case, if you maintain a reasonable dosage, you can take it every night. However, antihistamines are known to trick your body into lighter stages of sleep; therefore, even eight hours of sleep might end up feeling like it’s not enough.
Since diphenhydramine is a first-generation antihistamine, it’s quickly absorbed, and its effects can be felt within one hour. Typically, the effect of the drug lasts between four to seven hours, depending on the person. That is why it’s not advisable to take it in the morning or afternoon to avoid feeling sleepy, drowsy, and lazy throughout the day. When you take it before sleeping, you also end up utilizing its allergy relief properties to the fullest.
Diphenhydramine undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism; almost 60% of it is metabolized by your liver before reaching circulation. Within 48 hours, all of the drug is metabolized by the liver. That is why it’s advised to avoid taking the sleep aid if you have liver disease.
There are no ingredients in the drug that can lead to physical dependence. However, taking it every night for sleep can lead to a small psychological dependence in some cases. That’s due to antihistamines making your body have lighter stages of sleep, so it feels like you’re sleeping less even if you’re sleeping more.
All antihistamines are safe for your heart in all cases; therefore, using diphenhydramine sleep aid is also safe for your heart. However, if you have ongoing heart conditions, you should still consult your doctor before use.
While the drug is safe to use for adults, the elderly, and children over two years of age, it’s still best to consult your doctor. You can review the guidelines and disclaimers to see who can use the sleep aid. In any case, using it in small doses will be safe, considering you don’t have any outlying medical conditions.
Since it’s available in tablet form, it’s best to take the sleep aid with a glass of water. You can also take it with certain foods. However, do not consume it with any fruit juices, smoothies, or alcoholic beverages.