Best Dayquil Cold & Flu Alternative


$ 7.99

Gain quick non-drowsy relief from runny noses and sore throats, and clear the toughest nasal congestion instantly with the ValuMeds Daytime Cold & Flu, the perfect alternative to DayQuil Cold and Flu.

Active Ingredients: Acetaminophen 325 mg (Pain Reliever, fever reducer), Dextromethorphan HBR 10mg (Cough Suppressant), Phenylephrine HCL 5mg (Nasal decongestant)

Expert Advice

Daytime Cold & Flu is a powerful multi-symptom cold and cough suppression medicine with a distinctive sinus decongestion ability that immediately clears away fluid and phlegm buildup in the nasal passageways. Available in the form of liquicaps (softgel capsules), it is the ideal over-the-counter alternate to Vicks DayQuil Cold and Flu.

Daytime Cold & Flu effectively treats all kinds of symptoms of the common cold, while its pain reliever/fever reducer properties help take away the physical discomfort that stems from colds and influenza. While the medication is best used as a cold and flu remedy, the multi-symptom relief liquicaps can also treat minor body aches and pain.

Since Daytime Cold & Flu is an OTC drug that’s available without a doctor’s prescription, correct dosing is easy and somewhat flexible. The best way to take the drug is two (2) softgels, with purified water (room temperature) every four (4) hours. If you’re not sure about the ideal dosage for you, consult with a healthcare professional before administering a dose to yourself or someone else.

It’s better to always see a doctor before giving this (or any other) medication to children, or taking any more than the recommended dosage.

How do the Active Ingredients in Daytime Cold & Flu (DayQuil Cold and Flu Alternative) Work?

The Dextromethorphan in Daytime Cold & Flu affects the nerve signals between the throat and the portion of the brain responsible for the cough reflex, thereby negating the feeling or urge to cough while the drug is active within the system.

Phenylephrine, which is a nasal decongestant that shrinks the blood vessels inside the nose and beginning of the nasal passageway. This releases the fluid buildup in the concerned area and allows for more rapid airflow

Lastly, Acetaminophen, which is also the active ingredient found in Tylenol, is a pain reliever and fever regulator that affects the portion of the brain responsible for increasing body temperature, while also raising the natural pain threshold of the body, as a pain-relief measure.

Other than these, the drug has several FDA-approved inactive ingredients including propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, titanium dioxide, glycerin, and gelatin.

Typical Uses of Active Ingredients in Daytime Cold & Flu (DayQuil Cold and Flu Alternative)

All three active ingredients in Daytime Cold & Flu are used to treat the symptoms of and related to the common cold and influenza. However, it’s better to understand the primary uses of each ingredient, which include:

Sinus Decongestion: Congestion in the nose and throat is a common symptom of the cold and Phenylephrine serves as one of the most common compounds used to treat nasal constriction. Being a vasoconstrictor, it limits the blood flow around the nose, opening up a stuffy nose and allowing you to clear any built-up phlegm from the area.

Cough Suppression: Dextromethorphan is a common cough suppressant that calms the active nerves responsible for incessant coughing. It is typically used in cold and flu medication such as Mucinex as an additional ingredient and is very effective at providing temporary relief from dry cough.

Fever Relief: Acetaminophen is a very popular ingredient in most flu liquicaps due to its strong temperature-regulating properties. It causes the brain to regulate body heat to a stable level and is a mainstay in most pain-relieving drugs such as Tylenol and Percocet.

Typical Side Effects of Active Ingredients in Daytime Cold & Flu (DayQuil Cold and Flu Alternative)

Since Daytime Cold & Flu contains a combination of three active ingredients, there are some effects that may result from incorrect usage or natural aversion from the drug, in all users, irrespective of age groups.

Here are the most common side effects of Dextromethorphan, Acetaminophen, and Phenylephrine:

  • Difficulty Breathing or Swallowing: A less common side effect of Acetaminophen (usually allergic reaction)
  • Hypertension: Common side effect in drugs containing Phenylephrine
  • Difficulty in Urinating: Common side effect of a Dextromethorphan overdose
  • Headache: A byproduct of hypertension, less common but possible
  • Slowed Breathing: Can occur alongside cold sweats and anxiety
  • Facial or Throat Swelling: Usually an allergic reaction
  • Shakiness or Unsteady Walk: Often accompanied by blurred vision and/or varying degrees of confusion
  • Upset Stomach: Can happen for short periods after taking the drug

Most of the side-effects listed here usually occur as either an allergic reaction or immediately after you take the drug for the first time and your body adjusts to the chemical properties of the ingredients. These usually go away without medical assistance.

Additional Side Effects

The side effects mentioned above are the ones that have been found in most cases of negative reactions from the drug. However, there are some rare and more severe side effects that can occur in some instances. There are:

  • Liver Damage: Resulting from an overdose of Acetaminophen, especially in case of existing liver disease
  • Severely Itchy Skin or Blisters: Can occur either in spots or widespread across the body
  • Anxiety: Can occur in varying degrees, especially if the condition already exists
  • Constipation: Usually harmless but painful in some patients, depending on the specific dosage
  • High Blood Pressure: Most patients experience a rise in blood pressure immediately after taking the medication.

It’s important to note that a lot of the side effects listed here can occur due to pre-existing conditions or allergies. If you are in doubt, always consult a doctor and confirm whether it is safe for you to take the medication, before purchasing it.

Read Before Using Daytime Cold & Flu (DayQuil Cold and Flu Alternative)

ValuMeds Daytime Cold & Flu is generally safe to use for most people (barring any allergies or pre-existing conditions). However, there are some general warnings and precautions that you should consider, before using the medication. These include:

  • The drug is NOT SAFE for children under 4 years of age, and generally unsuitable for children under 6 years of age.
  • DO NOT give to anyone with existing conditions related to the liver or an enlarged prostate gland or liver.
  • Active ingredients may cause a variety of symptoms including anxiety, throat and facial swelling, painful stomach, and liver failure, sometimes simultaneously.
  • Do not take alongside non-selective Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs), to avoid Serotonin Syndrome.
  • DO NOT give to patients with existing thyroid disease, emphysema, or chronic cough.
  • Consult a medical professional before taking the drug alongside medication for depression, anxiety, and related conditions.

Always read the product information and disclaimer given at the back of the drug packaging before consuming the medicine.

Dr. Vandana Patel,

Internal and pulmonary medicine expert with 30 years of experience with critical care medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

ValuMeds Daytime Cold & Flu is an alternate to DayQuil Cold and Flu and contains most of the same active and inactive ingredients as the latter. The major difference between the two is that Daytime Cold & Flu contains Phenylephrine, whereas DayQuil contains Guaifenesin, which is an expectorant. As a general rule, you should only consume Daytime Cold & Flu as an alternate to DayQuil for relief from fever, cold and flu symptoms, and/or physical aches and pains, since those are the symptoms that Daytime Cold & Flu addresses.
When taking ValuMeds Daytime Cold & Flu, it’s advised to consume a dosage that corresponds to your medical needs, as per the extent of your symptoms. Still, it’s better to maintain a single dose of no more than two (2) softgel capsules at a time, and to avoid consuming any more than eight (8) capsules within a 24-hour period. Considering this, you can consume one to two capsules at a time, depending on how severe your immediate symptoms are or how long you’ve had the symptoms.
The drug is what’s called an ‘over-the-counter’ medication, which means that you don’t necessarily have to consult a medical professional before purchasing or consuming it. You can simply visit a local pharmacy and purchase it. However, it’s recommended to always consult a doctor if you experience symptoms beyond what the medication is for. Additionally, you should also consult a doctor if the symptoms are overly severe and persistent.
In case you are looking to start taking the drug while breastfeeding, be sure to consult with a doctor beforehand. This applies to both if you’re currently breastfeeding, or expect to start breastfeeding soon. In the latter case, it is advised to consult with a doctor before taking the medication in case you’re about to start breastfeeding within a three-month period.
In case your dosage exceeds the permitted single and daily dose limit, contact a licensed medical professional or your local Poison Control Center immediately. Failure to immediately contact the aforementioned can and will result in severe medical repercussions, including but not limited to severe anxiety and confusion, difficulty in breathing, and heart palpitations. In the most extreme cases, an overdose can prove fatal, if medical attention is not sought immediately.
The drug is generally safe for children from ages 6 and onward. However, just to be safe, consult with your pediatrician or licensed a medical professional before giving it to children aged between 4 and 11. Do NOT give this drug to children under 4 years old, under any circumstances. Additionally, keep the medication out of the reach of children.
In case you still have your symptoms after using the recommended dose of the medication for 24 hours, consult with a doctor immediately. Similarly, if your symptoms fade and then reappear, in a recurring pattern, consult with a doctor at the earliest. Furthermore, if one or more of your symptoms worsen, or you develop a new symptom such as redness, swelling, or a rash, stop taking the medication and see a doctor immediately. Lastly, if you continue to experience symptoms such as anxiety, confusion, and/or trouble sleeping, stop taking the medication, and see a doctor.
You should not consume ValuMeds Daytime Cold & Flu with more than 3 drinks during a 24-hour period. The medication contains active ingredients which may have an adverse effect on the liver if you already have a weakened liver due to drinking. In the most extreme cases, it may cause significant liver damage or total liver failure. Additionally, the active ingredients have a pronounced effect on the brain which results in nerve signal inhibition. Compounded with alcohol, this may result in a high level of confusion, dizziness, nausea, and loss of balance. In more severe cases, it may cause extensive or permanent neurological damage. It’s preferred to take the medication with a glass of water, and generally avoid the consumption of alcohol while taking this medication.