Best Benadryl Alternative


$ 15.49

The ValuMeds Allergy Relief is a great alternative to Benadryl Generic, providing an improved solution for allergic reactions and allergy symptoms.

Active Ingredients: Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg (Antihistamine)

Expert Advice

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl generic) is an antihistamine that works as an H1-blocker. As part of the first generation of antihistamines, it works by blocking certain effects of histamine. As opposed to second-generation antihistamines that have non-sedating properties, Diphenhydramine can also double as a sleep aid. Typical second-generation antihistamines include the likes of Cetirizine (Zyrtec), Loratadine (Claritin), Acetaminophen, and Fexofenadine (Allegra), among others.

The allergy medicine is a quick-relief solution against various allergy symptoms, including itchiness, motion sickness, insomnia, the common cold, and extrapyramidal symptoms. Since diphenhydramine is an over-the-counter (OTC) drug, you don’t need any prescription from a licensed medical professional to buy it.

While generally, diphenhydramine can be used for a number of things, especially when it is used by injection, it’s best to take diphenhydramine tablets to avoid any problems. The tablets typically help ward of acute allergic reactions that can lead to itchy eyes, watery eyes, itchy nose, runny nose, and other symptoms. Other uses of the drug include relief from insomnia, common cold symptoms (like sneezing), nausea, and tremors in parkinsonism (Parkinson’s disease).

The drug is designed to be taken in tablet form orally; however, in some cases, it can be taken by injection, chewable tablets, liquid solution, topical gel, spray, stick, or can be applied on the skin in cream form.

Generally, the drug can take varying times for the full effect in different people. However, most people can notice the maximum effect after around two hours, and the effect can last for up to seven hours per dose/tablet.

Typically, it’s not advised to give diphenhydramine to children or the elderly. That’s mostly due to its sleepiness properties. It’s best to discuss the usage and dosage with your healthcare professional before getting started.

How Does Diphenhydramine in Benadryl Generic Work?

Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), diphenhydramine is an allergy relief medication that has various other medical properties.

Diphenhydramine is an H-1 blocker that prevents histamine from activating the H1 receptors – the production of histamine is what causes various allergy symptoms. Since the drug is a first-generation antihistamine, it usually has an easier time getting through the blood-brain barrier. As a result, the user usually feels drowsiness and sleepiness. That’s why the drug is also used as a sleeping aid by some people.

Generally, diphenhydramine can take around two hours to achieve its maximum effect on most people. The maximum effect then goes on for about seven hours on average. However, those numbers may vary depending on the dosage, person, and the presence or absence of certain foods.

In the case of reducing the symptoms of the common cold, the drug doesn’t shorten the length of the cold or cure it; it only helps manage the symptoms.

In any case, the diphenhydramine hydrochloride helps relieve most symptoms of allergy, hay fever, and the common cold. You can even get relief from rashes, vomiting, and motion sickness.

There are plenty of generic Benadryl products out there, and some with other trade names like Unisom or Sominex. In any case, ValuMeds Allergy Relief is among the better options for Benadryl generic.

Uses of Diphenhydramine/Benadryl Generic

The uses of diphenhydramine can vary depending on your situation, but it’s best to understand its full effects and uses before using it for anything. The following are the primary uses of diphenhydramine.

  • Seasonal Allergies – Seasonal allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is caused by the spore from grasses and trees, among other things. Diphenhydramine works by providing relief against various allergy symptoms that can result from various allergens. Some of the treated allergy symptoms include a runny nose, watery eyes, itchiness, nasal congestion, and redness of the eyes.
  • Allergic Urticaria – Also known as hives, allergic urticaria can lead to red welts that result from an allergic skin reaction. The intensity of the reaction usually determines the size and visibility of the hives. In any case, diphenhydramine can help reduce the intensity and frequency of hives/chronic urticaria in people.
  • Sleep Aid – Due to its sedative properties, diphenhydramine also makes for great sleep aids for insomnia. In some cases, the drug has also proven to be a good pain reliever.
  • Movement Disorders – Diphenhydramine has also proven to help treat Parkinson’s disease-related extrapyramidal symptoms. It can also be used to treat acute dystonia in some cases.
  • Nausea – Due to its antiemetic properties, diphenhydramine helps treat nausea that can result from motion sickness and vertigo.

The dosage for ValuMeds Allergy Relief usually varies depending on the person’s age, medical condition, and usual response to treatment. The drug should mostly be taken for allergy relief because there are other versions of the drug that are better suited to be used for the rest of the reasons. In any case, if the allergy symptoms don’t improve or worsen, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately and seek medical advice.

Side Effects of Diphenhydramine/Benadryl Generic

Like most drugs, diphenhydramine can have some side effects on people. The antihistamine used in Benadryl generic has the active ingredient diphenhydramine hydrochloride, and it’s known to have some adverse effects in most cases. In any case, the most common side effects of diphenhydramine include the following.

  • Drowsiness – is the most common side effect of diphenhydramine since it has sedative properties. The drowsiness can eventually lead to sleepiness in most people.
  • Dizziness – can happen in a number of people in varying capacities.
  • Loss of Coordination – can happen if you’re getting extremely dizzy.
  • Constipation – can be the result of irregular eating or unbalanced diets.
  • Dry Mouth – is less likely to happen but can cause issues; some people can also get a dry nose or dry throat.
  • Dry Eyes – are usually the result of overly fixing watery eyes.
  • Upset Stomach – is loosely related to constipation; however, the upset stomach is usually the result of bad food combinations with the drug.
  • Blurred Vision – is not necessarily as problematic but should be monitored.

While the side effects listed above are common, there are also some rare serious side effects.

Additional Side Effects

Generally, as a first-generation antihistamine, diphenhydramine tends to have varying side effects in most people. Most of the side effects are harmless; however, there are some cases where people may be a victim to serious side effects due to a bad diet, a weak immune system, medical issues (like kidney disease), or bad drug interactions. In any case, some of the rare and serious side effects of diphenhydramine include the following.

  • Confusion – may be a possibility due to extreme dizziness.
  • Pounding Heartbeat – can lead to irregular heartbeats or fluttering in your chest.
  • Urination Problems – can occur in some rare cases where there is little or no urination. In some cases, people may have difficulty or pain while urinating.
  • Lightheadedness – is usually a result of extreme drowsiness.
  • Uncontrollable Tongue Movements – is among the least likely side effects, but still possible.
  • Tightness in the Jaw or Neck – can often be attributed to muscle-related problems due to the drug.

In some rare cases, some people may experience pupil dilation, ataxia, short-term memory loss, or abnormal sensitivity to bright lights. Therefore, it’s best to discuss allergy medicine with a licensed medical professional before use.

Precautions for Using Diphenhydramine

Just like most drugs, it’s crucial to take precautions when taking OTC drugs like Benadryl generic diphenhydramine. The following are some of the warnings and precautions for diphenhydramine.

  • Some people may have some sensitivity to diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Consult your doctor to ensure you’re not allergic to diphenhydramine or any other ingredients in the drug.
  • In the case of an overdose, you should immediately seek help or contact the closest Poison Control Center.
  • Make sure your healthcare provider understands your medical history, including things like kidney disease, breathing problems (upper respiratory allergies, asthma, and sinus issues), glaucoma, high blood pressure, heart problems, liver disease, seizures, or any other serious medical conditions.
  • Since the drug is known to cause drowsiness and sleepiness, avoid driving or any other such activity while taking it.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages to minimize drowsiness.
  • Be aware of the drug interactions to avoid any issues. Make sure you avoid taking any other antihistamines or tranquilizers while taking diphenhydramine.
  • If you’re pregnant, consult your doctor on whether you can take the drug.
  • Since diphenhydramine is excreted in breast milk, it’s best to avoid taking it while you’re breastfeeding infants.
  • Make sure you keep the drug at room temperature and protect it from moisture.

It’s best to read up on the disclaimers put out by the company to avoid any mishaps.

Dr. Vandana Patel,

Internal and pulmonary medicine expert with 30 years of experience with critical care medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

Since diphenhydramine has a calming effect on the brain and is known to have sedative properties, it’s also considered to be helpful in reducing anxiety. Since it’s an over-the-counter drug, you don’t need a prescription from a licensed medical professional. That’s what makes it a good option for managing your anxiety. However, ValuMeds Allergy Relief can only help reduce symptoms of mild anxiety.
Typically, you should only take one tablet (25 or 50 mg) every 4-6 hours as an adult and never exceed six tablets in 24 hours. In no case should you take more than 300 mg of diphenhydramine hydrochloride per day. For children between the ages of 6 and 12, you should restrict the usage to one 25 mg tablet per day. If you have a child under the age of six, it’s best to consult a doctor before thinking of giving them the drug.
It’s always best to avoid any drugs or food that can cause adverse effects or drug interactions. You should avoid any form of alcohol to minimize drowsiness. Furthermore, some of the medicines that may interact with diphenhydramine include cough medicine, cold medicine, antidepressants, a stomach ulcer medicine, diazepam (Valium), sedatives, and other antihistamines. It’s best to avoid taking diphenhydramine if you’re taking any of the medicines listed.
Since ValuMeds Allergy Relief is a quick allergy relief medication, it can quickly reduce any inflammation, swelling, or itching caused by an insect bite or sting. In some cases, drug allergies can also lead to different forms of inflammation like swollen lips. Diphenhydramine can generally reduce the symptoms of all sorts of allergy symptoms.
Generally, ValuMeds Allergy Relief can make you sleepy and drowsy enough to help you sleep. The usual dosage of one tablet is enough to induce sleepiness. However, you’re better off using ValuMeds Sleep Aid to help you sleep since it’s designed to enhance the sedative properties of diphenhydramine.
It’s not advisable to give ValuMeds Allergy Relief to seniors over the age of 60. That’s primarily due to the potential anticholinergic risks involved. Therefore, it’s best to avoid giving the drug to seniors both as an antihistamine and as a sedative. Generally, it’s better to give second-generation antihistamines or sedatives to the elderly to minimize any negative side effects.
Compared to other antihistamines, ValuMeds Allergy Relief doesn’t last very long in your system. That’s mostly because of its sedative properties and its ability to readily cross the blood-brain barrier. One does typically lasts anywhere between 4-7 hours, depending on the user. After that, you need to get another dose; however, that may lead to more side effects. You may have to take up to 4 tablets per day to last you 24 hours.
The best solution to urticarial issues/hives is an antihistamine. While the antihistamine doesn’t cure the hives, it will reduce the intensity and frequency of the hives and help relieve itching. ValuMeds Allergy Relief works great at relieving people from the symptoms of hives, especially considering that you don’t need a prescription to buy it.