Best Aspirin 325mg


$ 12.49

ValuMeds Aspirin 325 mg is a reliable pain killer for minor aches, arthritis pain, and inflammation. Comparable to generic aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), it is categorized as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).

Active Ingredients: Aspirin (NSAID)** 325 mg (Pain reliever)  **nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Expert Advice

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin is a modern-day wonder drug used to relieve pain and fever. If you’re experiencing body aches from a workout or menstrual cramps, or you need a remedy for your painful and swollen joints, ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg is your savior of the day.

Aspirin tablets are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs that help you stay put during (an otherwise) stressful day. ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin is bound to relieve all kinds of minor aches and pains. Therefore, it treats arthritis, pain, toothache, heartburn, muscle, and menstrual pain.

Unlike the generic aspirin brands, like Bayer aspirin, Naproxen, and potent steroid drugs, ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin tablets are enteric-coated and offer you an immediate relief from symptoms with limited side effects.

Furthermore, ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin has an excellent safety profile. Healthcare professionals and advisors widely recommend it for people above three years of age, who can use it with minimal precautions.

As a result, ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin has become an inevitable necessity. However, it still might not be the best for some people.

While there is a clear evidence of its effectiveness in major discomforts, this product is not recommended for you if you have a past medical history of any severe illness. Furthermore, it may also elicit a severe allergic reaction that can impede its effectiveness for you.

With that said, you need to be cautious while seeking help from your healthcare advisor before taking ValuMeds (or any other generic aspirin). Additionally, let your doctor know about your other routine drugs and ask for their opinion regarding aspirin’s interaction with other drugs. Consult your doctor for the information related to OTC (over the counter) purchasing, FDA (Food and drug administration) approval, or any other medical advice.

The Composition of ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin is the best replacement for generic aspirin. It is easy to swallow and is designed to take the best possible transportation channel to the stomach – ensuring protection against stomach upset.

The chemical drug aspirin has a primary compound, Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), and is prepared by acetylation. Acetylation refers to the chemical synthesis of aspirin from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride, making aspirin an odorless, colorless to white crystals or in the form of crystalline powder.

Just like Bayer aspirin, ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg also has corn starch in it, which acts as a helpful disintegrant and a binder. Meaning, it has the property of enabling the disintegration of the capsule into smaller fragments and releasing the drug for absorption. All in all, corn starch is recognized as a safe food substance by food and drug administration (FDA).

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin also has some specific ingredients that help in the composition of its capsule-like shape and make it easy to swallow for the consumer. These ingredients are:

  • Hypromellose
  • Microcrystalline Cellulose
  • Croscarmellose Sodium

Other than that, ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg also has the following ingredients:

  • Polysorbate 80
  • Simethicone
  • Titanium dioxide
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate

The addition of these components makes smooth and tasteless ingestion of ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg.

The Uses of ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin Pain Reliever

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin is a multipurpose drug that serves as a treatment for many conditions and diseases. Let’s look at the following properties of this drug.


ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg is a useful drug and is most commonly used for pain relief. It is a convenient oral analgesic that has a fast-acting mechanism of action that reduces pain immediately.


ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg tablet is frequently used in settling high fever aggravated by any infection. Most importantly, unlike some generic aspirin brands, it never reduces the body temperature below the normal levels.


During the early days, doctors used steroids as pain relievers for treating long-lasting, chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. But the treatment developed multiple side effects like a compromised immune system, hormonal imbalance, bone erosion, etc.

Contrarily, ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg tablets (and other generic aspirin medications) are considered a safe alternative with a minimum number of side effects and a high-efficiency rate.

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis cause painful joints with visible swelling and reddening. Aspirin acts as an inhibitor on COX (cyclooxygenase) enzymes in tissues, resulting in the prevention of these chronic diseases’ symptoms.


ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg is used as a first-line drug to treat angina. Its rapid mechanism of action makes it a life-saving medicine. Furthermore, its immediate action stops the active progression of blood clots in the major blood vessels during a heart attack, stroke, or a transient ischemic attack. Thus, it saves causing injury to a patient’s vital organs.

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg can also be used in low doses as a cardioprotective drug for the patient who has a risk of heart attack. In low dosage, aspirin has more anticoagulant properties than any other drug. It controls the production of thromboxane (TXA2), which helps in blood coagulation. Thus, low-dose aspirin is used with other blood thinners like warfarin to treat patients with high blood viscosity. With that said, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider to give you a better medical advice for using aspirin daily to prevent any cardiovascular emergency.


In the most recent discoveries, ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg tablets have also shown results in curing cancer through its anti-cancer properties. It upregulates the cancer-suppressing genes and has proven to be useful in treating colorectal cancer.

Kawasaki disease

Kawasaki disease is a syndrome that causes inflammation of lymph nodes, arteries, veins, and capillaries. It is the most common heart disease in children.

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg tablets (and other generic aspirin medicines) are used to treat this disease with intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIGs) to ease pain and discomfort.

How Does ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin Pain Reliever Work?

Aspirin works by reducing the body substances that aggravate pain, fever, blood clotting, and inflammation. Thus, it’s a multipurpose drug that acts as an analgesic (reduces pain), antipyretic (reduces fever), anticoagulant (reduces clotting), and anti-inflammatory (reduces redness and swelling) medication.

Due to its NSAID properties, it has an efficient absorption through the stomach and the small intestine. Furthermore, it is a non-selective NSAID, meaning it irreversibly binds with both cyclooxygenases (COX) enzymes and inhibits them. COX enzymes are responsible for converting arachidonic acid to prostaglandins and thromboxane, which causes pain, fever, and inflammation.

Prostaglandins are found and dispersed throughout the body. They are responsible for managing injury and infection by upregulating the sensitivity of pain receptors. Prostaglandins also cause fever by acting upon the receptors of the hypothalamus that acts as a thermoregulator. The enzymes COX-1 and COX-2 that help produce prostaglandins are also widely spread in body tissues and have diverse roles.

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg binds to the COX enzymes’ active sites and reduces the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandin. Therefore, aspirin inhibits the effects of prostaglandins on pain receptors in tissues and on the hypothalamus. Most importantly, aspirin doesn’t decrease the average body temperature.

These properties are beneficial for the patient suffering from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and minor aches.

Aspirin is also advisable in cardiovascular diseases like transient ischemic disease and other heart diseases. In this perspective, aspirin has an essential role. It inhibits the production of thromboxane A2 (TXA2), a lipid that stimulates new platelets’ production and increases platelet aggregation.

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin’s effect is mediated through COX-1 inhibition within platelets that stops the platelets from aggregation. It reduces the risk of forming a plaque (thrombus) within the artery and the obstruction of the blood flow.

Furthermore, aspirin has also shown the properties of acting on several cancer-signaling pathways and upregulating cancer suppressor genes.

The Side Effects of ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin Pain Reliever

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg is a necessity these days, which is used to relieve commonly occurring health problems. However, there are still some side effects one should look for before using it.

Reye’s syndrome

Reye’s syndrome is a rare but severe illness that can be caused by the use of aspirin. If a child or a teenager is recovering from flu-like symptoms or chickenpox, aspirin is not advisable. Furthermore, if a person shows symptoms like nausea and vomiting after aspirin, this could be the early warnings of Reye’s syndrome. Reye’s syndrome results in liver injury and can cause fatality.

Allergic reaction

Aspirin can cause severe allergic reactions in some people, which may include:

  • Hives
  • Wheezing (asthma)
  • Facial swelling
  • Shock

In case of any emergency, immediately reach for medical help.

Gastric ulcers

Aspirin has an inhibitory effect on the COX-1 enzyme, which has a protective role for the stomach lining. The continuous use of aspirin without any protective support for the stomach can develop peptic ulcers. With the use of aspirin, a patient may develop peptic ulcers under the following conditions:

  • A patient who is older than 60 years of age
  • A persistently high blood pressure
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Excess use of alcohol
  • Using other NSAIDs in combination

In addition to it, it’s advisable to avoid the use of aspirin if you’re taking any steroid drugs.


After ingestion, aspirin is converted into an active metabolite, salicylate, in the liver. Its concentration reaches the maximum levels in blood within 1-2 hours. Typically, it is excreted by the kidney entirely within 48 hours. Therefore, over-dosage of aspirin can cause liver damage and kidney diseases.

Is ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin Pain Reliever Safe?

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg is generally considered a safe drug with the least side effects. Therefore, it is considered an over the counter (OTC) drug.

Like the antacids in Bufferin, the enteric coating in ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin protects the stomach wall, reducing peptic ulcers’ development.

These qualities make the ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin tablet a drug of choice by every health care professional.

In the United States, other commonly used generic aspirin drugs are used with formulations of acetaminophen and ibuprofen/naproxen, which comes with Tylenol and Advil’s brand name, respectively. These drugs almost have the same safety profiles, but they don’t have anticoagulant properties.

Since it has additional advantages over the generic aspirin, ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin is far more beneficial than any other pain killers.

Having said it all, the patients having the following conditions/diseases should not use ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin frequently:

  • Clotting disorder – hemophilia
  • Kidney diseases
  • During the last three months of pregnancy
  • Asthma
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Gout

Generally, it’s safe to consult your doctor before opting ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin as a treatment.

Precautions for Using ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin Pain Reliever

Before using ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin tablets, it is advisable to follow these safety precautions:

  • Aspirin has severe allergic reactions accompanied by hives, swelling of the face, wheezing, etc. Consult your doctor regarding your allergies before using aspirin.
  • Children and teenagers should not use aspirin to cure fever in flu-like symptoms and chickenpox because it can lead to Reye’s syndrome, which can cause death.
  • Drug interaction – aspirin displaces oral hypoglycemics and anticoagulant drugs from their plasma binding sites. Therefore, you should seek advice from your healthcare provider before using aspirin with other drugs.
  • Avoid having alcoholic drinks while consuming aspirin because that increases its side effects on the stomach wall.

In addition to the above, it’s highly recommended to avoid using NSAIDs (like ibuprofen/naproxen) combined with aspirin to prevent adverse effects.

Dr. Vandana Patel,

Internal and pulmonary medicine expert with 30 years of experience with critical care medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg is a non-prescription drug. Therefore, you don’t need authorization from a medical officer or a licensed healthcare professional to purchase this drug. However, it’s advisable to buy this medicine from FDA approved online stores or pharmacies.
Studies suggest that the majority of heart attacks occur in the morning. Considering this, it’s best to take ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg before bedtime. This routine will give the medicine some time to thin the blood, which will reduce the risk of a heart attack.
A daily dose of ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg should be only be followed if your doctor advises it. In some cases, daily dosing of ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin 325mg may cause some severe side effects, including internal bleeding, cutler adds – increasing the risk of a bleeding stroke. However, it is safe to take aspirin occasionally for treating body aches, headaches, fever, body cramps, etc.
After ingestion, aspirin is converted into an active metabolite, salicylate, in the liver. Its concentration reaches the maximum levels in blood within 1-2 hours. Typically, it is excreted by the kidney entirely within 48 hours. Therefore, over-dosage of aspirin can cause liver damage and kidney diseases.
Aspirin, if taken in large quantities by a pregnant person, may cause birth defects. You should only take aspirin after consulting your doctor if you’re pregnant. Furthermore, if you’re nursing, you shouldn’t take aspirin as it is known to cause Reye’s Syndrome in infants.
You should stop taking ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin after the pain subsides. It’s generally considered a safe medicine for occasional day-to-day pains and aches. However, don’t exceed the recommended dosage. Furthermore, you should not engage in daily aspirin therapy on your own, which is meant to make the blood thinner. Consult your doctor first, and if your medical history allows for it, they will recommend the therapy in controlled dosages.
ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin, just like generic aspirin, usually takes 20 to 30 minutes to work its magic and reduce the patient’s pain and/or fever. However, everyone has a unique biochemistry. Depending on this unique combination of biological variables, the exact time may vary.
Recent studies suggest that aspirin, in addition to treating pain, reducing fever, and thinning blood, can also activate an enzyme that burns fat. However, that doesn’t mean you should start taking this product solely for the purpose of getting in shape. ValuMeds Regular Strength Aspirin (or any other generic aspirin alternative) should only be used to treat pain, control fever, and if your doctor recommends, thin blood.